The Code for Fizz Buzz

                        // Get the string from the page
// Controller function
function getValues() {

    // get the user values from the page
    let fizzValue = document.getElementById("fizz").value;
    let buzzValue = document.getElementById("buzz").value;

    // parse to turn the strings into integers
    fizzValue = parseInt(fizzValue);
    buzzValue = parseInt(buzzValue);

    // check that the numbers are integers
    if (Number.isInteger(fizzValue) && Number.isInteger(buzzValue)) {

        // call fizzbuzz
        let fbArray = fizzBuzzC(fizzValue, buzzValue);
        // write and display data to the screen
    } else {
        // if not integers, alert the user
        alert("You must enter integers for the fizz and buzz values.");


// Perform the fizzbuzz operation
// Logic Function
// A third algorithm for fizzbuzz using ternary operators and the truthiness of empty strings
function fizzBuzzC(fizzValue, buzzValue)
    let returnArray = [];

    for(let i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
        // ternary operators to concatenate fizz or empty string and buzz or empty string. 2 empty strings will evaluate to false, and in that case value = i;
        let value = ((i % fizzValue == 0 ? "fizz" : "") + (i % buzzValue == 0 ? "buzz" : "") || i );

    return returnArray;

// Alternate/conventional approach to fizz buzz operation
function fizzBuzz(fizzValue, buzzValue) {

    let returnArray = [];

    for (let i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
        // check if i is divisible by both fizz and buzz values first
        if (i % fizzValue == 0 && i % buzzValue == 0)

        // if not, check if its divisble by the fizz value
        else if (i % fizzValue == 0)

        // if not, check if its divisible by the buzz value
        else if (i % buzzValue == 0)

        // if not, push the numerical value to the array
        else returnArray.push(i);

    return returnArray;


// A different algorithm for fizzbuzz using booleans and switch case
function fizzBuzzB(fizzValue, buzzValue) {
    let returnArray = [];
    let fizz = false;
    let buzz = false;

    for (let i = 1; i < 100; i++) {
        fizz = i % fizzValue == 0;
        buzz = i % buzzValue == 0;

        // cases based on the fizz and buzz values
        switch (true) {
            case fizz && buzz: {
            case fizz: {
            case buzz: {
    return returnArray;

// Display fizz buzz results to user
// View/Logic Function
function displayData(fbArray) {

    // get the table body element from the page
    let tableBody = document.getElementById("results");

    // get the template itself
    let fbTemplateRow = document.getElementById("fbTemplate");

    // clear table first
    tableBody.innerHTML = "";

    let number;
    let tableRow;

    for (let i = 0; i < fbArray.length; i++) {

        tableRow = document.importNode(fbTemplateRow.content, true);

        // grab the number of tds in the template
        let rowCols = tableRow.querySelectorAll("td");
        rowCols[0].textContent = fbArray[i];


The Code is structured in three functions, with 2 alternate approaches to the problem.


getValues is a controller function that gets the numerical values for fizz and buzz and ensures that they are integers. After that, it passes those values to the fizzBuzzC() method to be processed into an array, and then passes that array to displayData() to be shown to the user.


fizzBuzzC is a logic function that does the fizzbuzz operation with a ternary operator. This is the third and most concise method to accomplish this task. It takes a set of numbers from 1 to 100, and iterates through them to determine if i is a multiple of the fizz value and the buzz value. With the ternary operator, we accomplish this in one line. If the modulus operation with fizz returns 0, we set value to "fizz", if not we set it to an empty string. We concatenate that with the same operation with the buzz value. If these both return an empty string, then value temporarily set to an empty string. In the "OR" statement we compare this empty string to i, and since an empty string has a truthiness value of false, we instead replace the value with i. We then push that value to the array, and once the loop finishes we return the array.

fizzBuzz() * alternate approach *

fizzBuzz is a logic function that does the fizzbuzz operation with if-else-if statements. We iterate over the numbers 1-100, and determine if the number at i is divisible by the fizz and buzz values. If it is divisible by both, we push fizzbuzz to the array, else we push fizz if its divisible solely by the fizz value, or buzz, or the actual number if it is divisible by none of the above. After the loop, we return the array.

fizzBuzzB() * alternate approach *

fizzBuzzB is a logic function that does the fizzbuzz operation with boolean variables and a switch case statement. Instead of evaluating the fizz and buzz values with if-else-if statements, we use a switch case, and determine if the boolean variables fizz and buzz are true or false, after setting their value using the modulus operation. After that, we push the appropriate value to the array, and return it.


displayString is a display function that receives the array of fizzbuzz values, and uses the template titled "fbTemplate" in the app.html file to write the data into a table and then write that table into a variable called "tableBody" which contains a reference to a table with the id of "results" in the app.html file. This will display the table of fizzbuzz values to the user.